Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday, July 26th

Dear Friends, Brothers & Sisters - Greetings!  We are now in Chino, having arrived at 12 noon today.  Members of the Chino Christ Church welcomed us at the train station and then escorted us to the church a few blocks away.  Once in the church, Kawano-sensei (the pastor) greeted us and we were treated to watermelon - sweet in flavor with the sweetness of love from those who prepared it for us.  We went around the table and introduced ourselves - it was a wonderful time of new friendships beginning and old ones being renewed.  We took a walk to the Chino City Hall and went to the top floor where we could admire the community to which the Chino church belongs.  Kawano-sensei gave us a brief description of the Christian community in Chino - about 100 members at the three Christian churches.  We concluded our time by praying for the EEC (English Experience Camp) which begins on next Wednesday; praying for the members of the Chino Christ Church; and praying for the people of Chino and all of Japan.  After finishing there, some of the team stopped at a nearby convenience store for snacks - because everyone is being underfed so far.  Right!   We rehearsed some of the songs we will do for the EEC program and made sure all the activities are set for tomorrow's activities for English classes and Free Conversation, which are opportunities for people to just drop in and practice their English language skills through conversation with us.  After doing that, most of us headed off to the onsen, the public baths.  It felt good to shower and then soak in the hot baths.  It is so very relaxing to end the day with a visit there.  Most everyone is in bed or getting ready, now.  It's time for me to do the same.  Sweet dreams, and God bless you.

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